Soccer Talented logo, word 'Soccer' in pink, 'Talented' in black, tagline 'Her Game, Her Way' in black underneath.

Soccer Careers Beyond Playing On & Off the Field

Women on soccer field wearing black suit holding a soccer ball in right hand and briefcase in her lefthand.

Welcome to Soccer Talented!

We are thrilled that you have chosen to find out more information about Soccer Talented and how we can benefit talented female soccer players who aim to pursue a career in soccer that is beyond the playing field. 

We understand that there are many ways to contribute to the sport, whether as a coach on the field or as a front-office executive off the pitch in professional soccer. With our knowledge and experience in the sports industry, we are confident that we can provide you with the support and resources you need to achieve your goals. 

We’ll help you succeed and look forward to connecting with you to explore how Soccer Talented can help you achieve your goals in soccer!

Networking and Mentorship

In the ever-evolving landscape of soccer, networking and mentorship are invaluable assets. At Soccer Talented, we provide comprehensive insights and practical tips to help you forge connections with industry professionals. 

Discover how to connect with mentors who can guide you on your soccer journey. Explore various soccer careers, from college programs to professional clubs, that can keep you engaged with the game you love. Our platform is your bridge to a vast network of soccer enthusiasts and career opportunities.

Whether you’re seeking advice on college programs or professional clubs to pursue job opportunities, Soccer Talented is your networking hub to provide the resources you need to succeed.

Training & Education Guidance

Succeeding in soccer often means navigating a predominantly male-dominated field. Soccer Talented is committed to empowering women by offering guidance on acquiring the skills and knowledge needed to excel. 

Whether you seek education through college programs tailored to your career aspirations or prefer online training and gaining experience by working with soccer programs, we have you covered. We provide key connections and resources to support your journey toward success in the soccer industry.

Job Search Strategies

Are you feeling overwhelmed searching for a job within the soccer industry? Don’t fret, because Soccer Talented is here to help simplify the process! We understand that finding the right job within the soccer industry can sometimes feel like an impossible task; jumping through hoops and spending countless hours searching for opportunities that may never even materialize can be discouraging. 


You’ll find guidance on tailoring your resume and crafting compelling cover letters to help make a lasting impression on potential employers. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the industry, our insights and professional expertise will put you at the forefront of any hiring decision. 

Interview Success Tips

Securing your dream job in the soccer industry requires more than just showing up and doing your best. It involves understanding the intricacies of the interview process. Soccer Talented equips you with the skills needed to make a lasting impression during interviews. 

Learn how to connect with your interviewer on a personal level and showcase your unique personality traits. We’re here to ensure you not only ace your interviews but also create strong, lasting impressions that lead to career success.

Soccer Talented's Goal is to Help Players & Parents

Soccer is a sport loved by many people around the world, and while many women are talented and passionate about the game, sometimes they face challenges in navigating the diverse and exciting opportunities available beyond the pitch.


Soccer Talented is designed to help women who are passionate about the game to find resources that can be of help in navigating their career path.

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